Federal workers seek loans, second jobs as shutdown lingers

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They are scaling back spending, canceling trips, applying for unemployment and taking out loans: Families are making tough decisions as 800,000 federal employees miss their first paycheck because of the government shutdown.


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If the Dems came to the table and really we're concerned about the employees, a deal could be accomplished. Guess the Dems don't care about Federal employees!!

Federal workers get $0 pay while TSA workers get $500 bonus. Why?

One paycheck Wow !!! Losers

I wonder how many of these federal workers will vote for trump again?

5NEWSGarrett She should call her Democrat lawmakers and tell them to fund the wall. BOOM.. she’s back at work. End of shutdown.


Does Trump need to apply for unemployment funds and insurance?

Hopefully it a should end soon!😐🤔😎

Furloughed workers need to get a real job and stop depending on the government for a living.

Tell Pelosi and Schumer

Tell Nancy Pelosi am chuck Schu

They should be picketing his resorts. Hurt him and it will end


Imagine... all it would take is the cowards Pelosi and Schumer to do the responsible thing and fund the wall/barrier/fence. The cost to do it is minuscule and it would save the US billions per year.

Welcome to the real world!

Talk to Pelosi she flat out said NO to any negotiating...

Call Nancy and Schmucker and ask them for money. In the meantime as Gov workers u should always be prepared for a shutdown it's in the shit happens clause

When you take a job w/ the federal government you should do it knowing this is a possibility. Save for a rainy day

Stay strong. Glad you will get back pay

realikamusume Lots of people talk about scaling back big government, Trump actually goes and does it.

We don’t want you working.

Been there! During the 1995 shutdown I kept my 2nd job which came in handy during the sequestration and the 2013 frd govt shut down.

Yet Trump still has funding for Junkets to the Mexican Border and campaign events!!!

Call those Dems and tell them to support the wall or according to CNBC there are 6.7 million job openings right now in America. BuildTheWall

I really don’t care, I do care about Americans being slaughtered by illegal aliens

Thanks to Nancy and Chuck. 😞

I’ve never seen this reported before when we had the shutdowns with Obama, Bush, and Clinton. Why now? 🧐

Welcome to the real world. As in the private sector,.there are no guaranteed paychecks.

Potus won’t bend on wall funding. Neither will the democrats. This is the fault of many people. Not one single person or party. Congressional term limits would help prevent such gridlock. New people. New ideas. Less corruption and hatred.

Bummer. Maybe they might look for other work? This could go a while.

5NEWSGarrett Tell the obstructionist Dems!!!

Then call Pelosi and Schumer and tell them to sit down and negotiate the way legislators are supposed to. This is on them. ResistPelosiAndSchumer

Congress gets all the blame for not being able to have a balanced budget. Plain and simple !

Welcome to real life

They should call the DNC and ask them to end the dnc shut down

Tell their plight to the murder victim families and get back to me!!!

Womp womp!

I wonder if they care one way or another on a wall- once they not getting them checks

Wait I thought they been missing checks this whole time?

Well join the crowd.

Talk to your Obstructionist Socialist buddies and TELL them to fully fund President realDonaldTrump initial comprehensive border security package. Once signed by President realDonaldTrump then the Schumer-Pelosi shutdown will end.

realikamusume Oh no, overpaid government employees who were living in the lap of luxury will have to tighten their belts like the rest of America did during the Obama admin.

The parents of the victims of the illegals do not cancel trips for the victims, do not take out loans ….

It’s only been a few weeks, if people have to take out loans already they are living above their means.

SchumerPelosiShutdown is responsible - go see them.

Well, with Trump, there are now over a million jobs available than those looking. May want to hit the private sector since they are nonessential...

I looked for myself locally on the state of Washington website for unemployment. I am confused that the furloughed federal employees can only receive unemployment for 4 weeks? What are they going to do after that? Hopefully the airports all stay open.

Be sure and That your POTUS who is MAGA! Heard he is down south conjuring up a “crisis” so he can build a “Trump” wall. Gotta keep out those kids crossing over! They might grow up & become better than his!

I’m certain you are blowing this out of proportion

If they get unemployment do they have to give it back when paid retroactively?

Wow America sure is becoming great again

Are these the nonessential people, the ones whose jobs are so vital they're at home?

Democrats are ignoring their job to fund border security. SchumerShutdown

The ripple effect means even more families and individuals will be affected. This could send the country into a recession all by it's lonesome. On the brighter side Trump will probably get a gold star on his next progress report from Putin.

The Demonrat Libturds don’t give a damn about these people. They are more concerned about the illegals storming our borders. They need to stop their opposition to the President and fund the wall!

When the government spends money on research for Chinese escorts, booze, and other useless. This brings in the question why isn't Taxation theft?


Welcome to the real world.

Anyone who can’t miss one paycheck on a federal salary is a poor financial planner. They know this happens from time to time. Ever heard of saving?!

Recession anyone, Trump made....

They've only missed one paycheck, today. Knowing this, I think they're being overly dramatic. They know this is a possibility, perhaps they should have saved for a rainy day. Plus, they will get back pay. Stop whining, tell Congress to fund the wall!

These families should have planned better, this is not the first shut down being part of the federal government you should know that this happens.

We all make tough decisions in life they'll make it thru this just like me and many others have.

The 800k federal workers should call on the dems to stop this nonsense, and all for 5b, which is about 0.009% of the budget, 1/3 of what they want for foreign aid and abortions in other countries, and they have voted for countless times before,

Why does the government have 800, 000 non-essential employees? And why are tax payers footing the bill for non-essential government services?

5NEWSGarrett 38% federal employees rate president trump as “excellent”....I wonder how excellent they think he is now that they are working without pay and having to find other options to pay their bills?

Very sad. The only people who should not be getting paid is congress. Maybe if they miss a check they would actually get to work.

If they are broke before they missed their 1st pay check, what the F have they been doing,with the large paychecks they receive twice a month.Disabled Americans are told to live on $800 A month.If this is the way they handle their own economics I'm not surprised the gov. is broke

Pathetic money managers

America is under seige by senatemajldr and the Trump Oligarchy. StopTheMadness MitchShutdown Anarchy

Planning tips available from those familiar with payday uncertainty: self-employed, contractors, commercial fisherman, farmers, commission sales people, musicians, artists, etc.

Congressman and Senators should be the first ones to not get paid during a government shutdown! I bet they would come to an agreement then 🤔 People are so quick to blame the right or left, but it's both of them! Take their money and redistribute it!

Build the wall!

Trump’s America. Just like Trump’s businesses.

So now they know what it’s like to be in the private sector.

Welcome to the real world.

We don’t wanna pay your salaries

Now why did you all vote for trump,?

This should not be happening. Trump changed his mind on the first agreement with house and senate. It shouldn’t be allowed to occur in the first place. We cannot strike, politics makes us work for free and forces many of us to not do our jobs which hurts the country overall.

There is always someone ready to take your job. Stop crying about it you will get paid

If they really wanted to work they wouldn’t be gov. employees now would they ?

Every single one should apply for unemployment. POTUS only cares about his numbers and ratings. With 800,000 plus their relatives not voting for him, that's several million votes.

Good. The post office sucks and gives bad service. So does the DMV. Matter of fact, name one federal service that actually does a good job.

That’s bs fake news propaganda

Although I feel bad for them, it must be nice to have a job with a pension and top notch benefits. That’s something most people don’t have.

These people have power if organized. Get to DC & lay your bodies down in front of the White House. Above all optics matter to trump.

I care! Really I do! ..... or do I?

If you can’t survive due to one missed paycheck you have severely mismanaged your finances.

Thousands of workers in private sector lose their jobs every year, so they look for a new one. Unemployment is at an all time low, this is not rocket science people.

Meanwhile, families will not be mourning the murder of their children and their drug addiction caused by scumbag illegal traffickers once we BUILD THE WALL.

I suggest that if Federal workers want to work, they tell their party representatives to fund the damned wall, and then they can go to work the next day. Otherwise they are just posturing ...

800000 non essential workers. Hmmmmmmmmm.

MSM has been reporting of missed paychecks for weeks but now, today, that we are at the first payday missed all of that fake news is to be forgotten?

With no end in sight to the GovernmentShutdown,it may be beneficial for companies like uber and Lyft to incentivize new drivers by streamlining their applications, and giving sign-up bonuses to federal employees. What other businesses could bridge the furlough gap?

We should Downsize the huge massive bloated government so we won’t have to worry about this during the next shutdown. SmallerGovernment Downsize there are plenty of jobs in private sector.


Democrats are doing their job passing funding bills. If senatemajldr would just DO HIS JOB and pass his own damn bill - he could instantly END THE TrumpShutdown. If Trump didn't do it with three branches - he won't do it with three. This is a FAKE CRISIS!

Maybe they need to rethink their career choice since they are consider non-essential. In the real world corporations don’t waste money on non-essential people.

But yet want to waste money on professional made signs? fakenews!!! You people are a joke!!!

I am sorry to hear, but there is a lot at stake.Those same people are very comfy with their income while GOv working their way but screw the rest of us. How about when we had to cut our expenses when the economy was bad. It works both ways . Either way no one wins!govmurphy

The GOP owns this. Trump has admitted he will own this. We do not need a wall, we do not need his hate, we do not need all the lies he boasts from his high pulpit. People suffer because his ego is bigger than us.

That sucks - sucks even more that people here illegally are still getting checks.

Then call, write or go to your Democrat Congressman and scream at him/her to do their job for America. Democrats only care about political points not American citizens.

Shout out to whoever needs cash during the government shutdown cause they’re out of work. Venmo govtshutdown Trump Government GovtShutdown border govt usa Federal payus EndTheShutdown

5NEWSGarrett More paid protesters by the democrats. A professional sign that says ‘we want to work?’ Uh huh. It’s almost like these signs were planed.

Is anyone handing out the tiny violins?

Democrats better get in there and help these people.

Lol!1 paycheck is a national crisis yet 400k+illegals crossing per yr,300ppl per week die from drugs,90% of which came over the border is not a crisis!It's manufactured!Lol.Majority of these fed empl r not working the hrs but WILL get back pay for those nonwrking hours! No1cares!

They get paid all back pay when funding for the Wall is approved. This is on TheDemocrats

Government jobs aren't as cush as they used to be. Tears.

and think of all the people out of work because companies can replace them with low-skilled, cheap illegal alien labor.

Our Lawmakers are using Federal Employees as unpaid SLAVES. As disposable PAWNS. As their PROPERTY.

Not only do the majority of Real Americans now get to judge Trump & the Puppet Republicans but Trump’s own uneducated followers get a second look as soon their food stamps, farm Welfare hits home. They also know it is a self created hoax to strip Americans of their rights. 2020

They need to call Chuck and Nancy and tell them their outrage. Maybe they’ll pull their heads out and agree to what they have already agreed to under Obama.

PhillipLiberal They need to stand up to Trump and the GOP, then, they should realize the insanity that's causing this!!!!

PhillipLiberal The predatory lending industry is going to have a field day thanks to Trump

Pitiful....that people don’t have one month savings to survive!

So he has decided to put the great Americans in financial crisis to get his way. Very patriotic...but y’all voted for him😣

There’s a sign you don’t see every day.

Is this Trump’s idea of winning? Looks more like thinning.

Compliments of Pelosi & Schumer. It comes down to their hate for Trump is more important.

& Dems who voted $ to study shrimp on a treadmill!*%~!!!, but won’t provide $ for securing our border, couldn’t care less. They’d prefer to use fed workers as pawns in their power games.

Then don’t work.

Putin loves this

robertbtracy Ask Pelosi about your crumbs.

Pelosi and Schumer are being jerks. The amount of money he wants is a pittance. They have squandered ten times that over the years. It’s a political game nothing more.

In 2014 the average federal employee salary was $84,153, w/benefits it costs tax payers $119,934 for each govt employee. Zero point zero sympathy that they’re missing paychecks that they will eventually get.

Tell Democrats and Republicans get back on the table and maybe they should not get paid intell the other workers get paid.

Fire them all, use the funds to build the wall. A bloated government sucks.

How can we say America first then smash the working people who ...just happen to be federally employed. The ignorance is over my pay grade on this one Conclusion: bot operation being run by enemies to confuse an entire nation

They miss one paycheck and they are headed for financial ruin? That means they have no savings. Why would you be planning trips if you don’t have a dime I’m savings? Sounds made up to me.

Anyone who thinks it only affects these 800,000 families is an idiot. This is the trickle down that will have a devastating effect on our economy. And there is no reason these families should suffer because the GOP won’t do their jobs. OpenTheGovernment

trump doesn’t care

The bloated government needs a diet. Let's start with the non essential personnel and go from there.

Isn’t this always a risk working for the federal government? Seems like it would be a good idea to prepare for this scenario.

Hope the Dems get in board!

Most ‘people’ on here have similar accounts. Almost like one bot spawned about 1000000 accounts and each one just regurgitating and recycling the same thing verbatim. What to believe. Who to believe. Are these the real views of fellow Americans? It seems not

You see that sign? Lies!!! Everybody knows that federal employees don't want to work. 🤣

How can trump claims he’s an American, while 800,000 government workers are suffering from his shutdown

oooooh poor GOVENRMENT employees, what about MILLIONS of Americans who suffered UNDER OBAMA

The Democrats caused this mess to begin with by obstructing!

Only a Fool or President Trump and his ditto-heads believe that this won't effect America's economy, down the line.

So sad, so unnecessary...

Wow well i guess slimeball DNC should stop putting illegal aliens above actual U.S. citizens then huh Pay to build walls in Jordan but they dont care about the people they claim to represent

Isn't Trump such a great businessman and boss?


This is an excellent opportunity to step back and take notice at how OVERINFLATED our economy is thanks to the waste and excess of the federal government. If government was the size it’s supposed to be these people wouldn’t be in trouble. They’d be working AND saving tax money.

The US budget is 4.4 trillion dollars. 5 billion is a drop in a bucket. It's the same amount the government spent on crystal wine glasses for it's embassies.

Try the private sector.

I sure hope these people know who is responsible for this!!

loans are the CAUSE of the PROBLEM! always the govt wants you IN DEBT- when they REFUSE to pay!

Tell some of the federal workers are working from paycheck to paycheck should have a little money in the savings account for days like this that's what I had to do

_silversmith Fact Check: “it takes two to tango,” these people signed up for this, like one does going into the Military or Law Enforcement, in the event that the country is taken hostage by a mercurial and petty man child. Right AP?

Anyone concerned about what would happen if all those federal employees did find other jobs? How would our functionality as a nation be affected?


All of this hurt, stress, hardships on the country for no reason, other than a criminal looking for diversions from his crimes. He doesn't care how others feel!

Welcome to the real world.

Nancy and Chuck don’t seem to care.

If these people are already hurting then this shows how past administrations have screwed up the economy so bad people don't have savings. Past administrations have gave your jobs away to foreign countries and bail-out billionaires.

eileenquirke12 please provide Job...

LauraLeeLenhoff The economy is strong they say so quit and find another job. All those not getting paid should quit and find another job before the economy tanks under Trump.

RevJJackson Blame Aloha Pelosi and Filibuster Schumer

Boo hoo. 10 million Americans went out of work during the Great Recession of 2008 and following years. Let those public sector-safe job-leeches feel a pinch.

Border Security is National Security. BuildTheWall Fund border security & stop the SchumerShutdown RESIST Democrats shut down government a long time ago. Dems own this mess. President Trump & GOP deliver RESULTS. VoteGOP2020

If they voted for Trump then Mexico can pay their bills

Maybe they should have saved some money like those of us that work for small businesses need to do.

My parents weren't able to pay there bills so they got a second job they didn't wait 21 days to cry about it

Only shows you that Trump doesn’t care about the welfare of the American people. He is only worried about his political image. Typical narcissistic trait. Embarrassing character for a president of the USA. Do we really want 2 more years of this behavior?

Let's not act like these are the only people in history to ever go through a lay off.

Federal workers must know they will be backpaid for the time they have not worked during the shutdown.

My life is unaffected by this. Maybe less government isn’t so bad.

So I am to believe that every single government employee lives paycheck to paycheck? They don't have emergency funds for situations like this, knowing that they may be furloughed any time without notice? Why are they blaming the government for their own poor planning?

Both sides are being insensitive Dems haven’t said what they will approve I think the government when it does open payboff those loans for people - POTUS act like a leader

BOO HOO! If they didn't have at least 6 months of backup to pay their bills then it is their fault!!!

chuckschumer SpeakerPelosi this is your doing. Take whatever pride you have and push that aside for a second and see what you’re doing to Americans. Cause it’s not trumps fault. ALL 65 million of us voted for him cause we wanted a border wall as well.

It’s the conservative dream. Small government and mass unemployment.

They should call their Congress person immediately.

Things happen for the right reason

$15/hr minimum wage await you $15/hr minimum wage await you $15/hr minimum wage await you $15/hr minimum wage await you . 🍎That's plenty of Money, right?🍎 . TrumpShutdown StopTheShutdown FightFor15 BernieSanders Ocasio tytlive TYT Resist

Khrushchev was right - America is being destroyed from within without a shot! Trump is obviously working for the Russians! DA!

Our TSA and government employees matter to all of us!! Airport security trumps the wall. EndTheShutdown commonsensebordersecurity

The lady in the picture is definitely a department of motor vehicles employee. Resting bitch face and all.

That’s SpeakerPelosi and chuckschumer ! Because you prefer illegals over Americans, people ain’t getting a paycheck

She wants to work? I wonder if she voted Democrat if so she must not want to work to bad.

Maybe all those millionaire representatives can spread their wealth around. Since they don’t mind spreading ours around.

Actually The US dollar wAnts to work... America is Built into the prebuilt concept of Our currency...as the currency says take it or leAve it...as the currency back credit cards too. RUSSIA is only A word...what each letter stand for-d is AnotHer stORy R US serving in America?

Read signed Government terms of payment agreements, employment and contractors based on budgets.

If you want sympathy, you should be highlighting people who won’t get back pay - the waitresses in restaurants around govt buildings where business dried up, no more dry-cleaning, no morning coffee, plus contractors who will not get back pay

A pittance for needed border security would make all that go away. This shutdown is all about Pelosi’s desperate need to appease her unreasonable and fanatical base in order to hang onto power. Hurts workers, hurts democrats who were elected by claiming to be moderates.

How can they apply for unemployment if they still have a job? Will they pay back the benefit if they get their back pay? If not, they profit from the shut down.

Dear Donald Trump, Listen to these stories...840,000 people with no paycheck. And no daddy to give them 40 million. You are a joke.


If you need a loan because you missed one paycheck, you have bad financial skills

And they can’t get another job, because if you’re working for the gubment, it means you’re useless anyway.

PAYC(H)ECKS This A NoTE is legal tender for All debts public And privAte THIS (A) NOTE PAyC (H) E©Ks (A) Mass & Statue of Liberty (H) MissOuri, happier I Wonder AmericAns first A system built but not Applied Where is our ONE dollAr note if Not As A representative of TheUSA

And Trump & McConnell continue to hold them hostage for a wall that majority don't agree with and would be a waste of our tax money.

All this because the Dems don’t want to give a measly $5B to Trump for border security. Yet they have no problem spending $15B in Syria, $60B in Iraq and Afghanistan and $59B in foreign aid each year.

I feel bad for them, I was on strike one for 5 months and it was difficult to make ends meet, but you do what you have to to survive. But that number of federal employees is way to high need to shrink government size.

Good , these workers are overpaid by tax payers anyway

FliptheFund and give the GoFundTheWall money to American ShutdownStories survivors

Well it is good that they saved PAYDAY Loans then

Sounds like they need to pressure Chuck and Nancy to make a deal

If they are 'non-essential' than why does the government have them at all? Let's lay them off, we have a huge national debt problem.

All I see is 800,000 guaranteed votes in 2020...

Where are the pictures of rural America chanting, “Don pay me. Build the wall.” We’re there some in McAllen?

Chuck and Nancy do not care. Illegals and Open Borders matter more than you.

Those are some pretty drastic measures for just now missing their first check today.

Find a different fricken job then. Not hard. They know what they signed up for.


So u are admitting your previous reporting on them suffering were lies.

While I feel bad because these workers are being used as pawns, how about some of these workers responding to this if you voted for Trump or not.

But they're not unemployed. Their job is still there and their pay will return as soon as Congress decides to stop making them go without it. And their healthcare is still active. Quite different than the real world, where a job loss means it's gone entirely.

You mean just like the middle class people who are losing there jobs to lower paid illegals O but your not worried and won’t talk to people about that

Ask your politicians to fund a punny wall.

20 days in and most of these workers are not missed - that speaks volumes about our government

Ok. Sure.

One man's frivolous decision has affected so much federal employees!


Welcome to the real world where cushy government jobs don’t exist.

And every one of these federal workers when they took the job knew that should a shutdown occur they could be furloughed, I love how the media always forgets that.

This is bullshit. Put these folks back to work! realDonaldTrump

Chuck and Nancy resisting looks very bad.

Thanks, Trump

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